Today we are both feeling about 95% well. We were both able to walk to the village and work in the sun again. We started to build the kiln for our students to fire their first pots. It was a long process, and we soon learned that a to complete a project that would take 15 minutes in the states, was a full days work in Gulu. We moved a pile of 120 bricks that we had purchased about 100 yards distance and it took us a couple hours to complete. The children all helped us putting the bricks on their heads like they had seen their mothers do. It was amazing to see a 3 year old child work in the sun with a brick on his or hear head until we had finished. Some of the children would fall over with the weight of the bricks on their heads and one got hurt pretty badly as he fell over and the brick landed right on his face. But soon recovered. We had exactly enough bricks to finish half of the kiln, and would need to get more for the next day.
Later in the day we made a tire swing for the kids. We used a rope we had found in the ground and a bike tire that one of the children had been playing with. It was apparent that they had never seen such a thing because of how popular it was. We hung it from a Mango tree and we would sit them on the tire, and spin it around until the rope was at its tightest. When we would let it go it would spin and spin until the kids were dizzy and could not stand. We were forced to start a line (which was a foreign concept to them) because they began to fight and punch to get on next. We soon had to take the swing down because it was causing so many problems, but it was fun while it lasted. It was fun when I pulled my video Ipod out of my bag and showed the children a music video. I felt like I was from the future, because many of the kids had never seen a TV and they watch the images on the screen in amazement. It was a great experience.
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