Dear my great brother Jesse,
Iam very much glad and really would like to inform you that i did received the money right away amounting to 102,100 Uganda shillings. i hope it is the same amount you sent. before i go futher in my letter brother, on behalf of the family, i would like to take this time up to really send my sincere thanks and bigger appreciation to you and my sister Sarah (family at large) for all these greatter support and caring heart you have upone us my brother, We pray often that May the Almighty God blesses you, bless the work of your hand and provide for you and your family living brother. you will remain in our prayer. indeed brother, i was having difficulties before in finding food stuff ,clothes and many others for these kids but through your support iam now able to buy food stuff ,colthes and shoes for these children and sum i will keep for medication in case of any sickness or emmergency that may need money to help.i will send for you the picture of these Children in this letter, please download it to view. the picture is for the 18th .december ,2010.
brother believe in God for Sarah, be strong enough, for she will deliver, note that every thing is posible with God. iam very happy that God has plann for a bady between you and Sarah and very soon to have him out on the 2nd of January. it is a great news for me brother. greet Sarah for me very much and tell her that simon love and praying for her every day.
i will keep Sarah in my prayer brother. i hope you are strong enough and confident. have a bigger blessing from your brother,send my greetings to everyone over there. May Good Lord blesses you and protect you and your family, and please send this email along to them that i may thank them as well, and wish them a merry christmas. I wish you and every body over there at home a Happy Merry Christmas and prosperous new year.
NB, we Love you and pray for you every day. Lots of love and greetings from the family in Gulu to you.
Thanks very much again my brother for your wonderful support for us.
In Christ
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