Today we moved into a much nicer and safer feeling hotel. The room was a little bigger and there was an actual latrine in the room. There was still no running water or electricity, but it was worlds above our previous spot. This gave us our first chance in around a week to bathe. To bathe, we would retrieve a can of water,
(usually rain water or from the well) drag it into the bathroom, pour half of the can into a small basin, wash off, and then use the other half to rinse off. Not a bad system, but when you are finished we were not much cleaner then when you started. Good thing there were two of us or this would have been difficult,haha. The latrines are just a small hole in the ground, where we would squat. It was a bit uncomfortable but after a week you can get very accustom to this method. It is actually very nice when you are used to it. (Kind of a colon cleanser).
In the village we took a translator in today and he helped us explain our idea to the women of our refrigerator pots, that would keep their food good for weeks without electricity. This system had been created in Nigeria in 1997 and was very successful. They had a hard time understanding the concept at first, but after a couple hours of explanation and trial and error, they started to understand. We thought we might have something going here! :) We later found out that the translator we had used had not been translating accurately what we were saying. He turned out to be very deceptive and told us that our students were asking us for a specific amount of money for all the supplies. He told us to give this money to him and he would give it to the students each week, or something of this sort. So needles to say this was the last time we used this translator.
1 comment:
Wow! I'm glad you got rid of that translator. He sounded like he was up to no good. Also, my hat's off to you two for the awesome work you're doing in Africa. That's great! Glory be to God. Please take and God bless
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