So... only 6 days until our somewhat grueling 39.5 hour trip into the middle of Africa. Most of our friends think we are crazy (which I guess is true), but we are feeling like this could lead to something great in our lives and we are ready to take it head on. We will be following Jason and Kari Crigler into the heart of Uganda for a little over three weeks and to be honest we do not know what to expect. We are not going with any special organization or a large group of people either. It is actually just the four of us going and doing what we can when we get there. Our flight goes from Columbus OH, to New York, to Dubai Germany, to Yemen, Then finally to Entebbe/Kampala. From here we will take a 7 hour bus ride into the city of Gulu, Uganda. At this point we only really know the things that we have been briefly told by Jason and Kari. We are going to help these displaced people with any talents we may have, and in any way we can, and that you never know what to expect. The rest we will find out when we arrive. We do not have much of a set itinerary, so we are doing what so many of the African people do in their daily lives and figuring it out when it happens, and help as many people as we can along the way with whatever their needs are. Jason and Kari have gone many times before and lend a hand to an organization called the Invisible Children so we will lend much support to these people as well. We joke with Jason and Kari that since they know the way, we will be their shadows the entire time. We will be journaling our experiences and doing a lot of photography as well. From what I have seen and heard the children of Uganda are amazing, always wanting to play and thinking the world of any American willing to come to visit them in their villages and help their people. So I guess we will not know what we are really up against until we experience it first hand, but we will let you all know everything we experience!
Please feel free to reply to our postings and leave us messages. Your messages are encouraging and we will read them all!
We thank you all for your prayers and support and we will talk to you later!
~Jesse and Sarah Blaine
The picture below is of Jason Crigler standing in one of the villages in Gulu, Uganda where we will be staying for part of our trip.
Jess and Sarah, way to go good website. God speed!!!
wow, im so glad theres people in the world like you guys.. people that will go to a completely foreign country to help with anything they can, oh and have a great band.. good luck to you and be safe..
Jessie and Sarah, you make me so proud. Enjoy your trip, be safe, make lots of friends, take lots of pictures and can't wait to hear all your travel stories. Love you, MOM
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